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profil pic COLASSONProf. Benoit

Prof. Benoit COLASSON

Professor, department of basic and biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences




Benoit COLASSON, a member of the doctoral school’s agitation committee, is a professor at Université Paris Cité and a researcher at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques (LCBPT – UMR 8601). After completing a doctorate in topological chemistry (Sauvage laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France), he conducted post-doctoral research (Fabbrizzi laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy, and Sharpless laboratory, Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA).

In 2006, he assumed the role of assistant professor in the LCBPT laboratory, concentrating on biomimetic coordination complexes based on calixarenes. Presently, his research delves into using supramolecular chemistry to manipulate the properties of metal coordination complexes. Alongside his research, he actively contributes to teaching chemistry at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.