
Most current and future societal and technological challenges need innovations in chemistry. Chemists play a key role in major interdisciplinary projects by designing active molecules and functional nanomaterials.

Lavoisier Building
15-17 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf
75013 Paris

© Camille Perrin

The Graduate School of Chemistry is backed by the international Master’s program “Frontiers in Chemistry,” two doctoral schools – Chimie Physique et Chimie Analytique de Paris Centre (DS 388) and Médicaments, Toxicologie, Chimie, Imageries (DS 563) – and the Féd-Cup chemistry research federation.

The primary goal of the Graduate School of Chemistry is to educate researchers and future leaders capable of addressing socio-economic challenges in health, energy, and the environment. This is achieved through a comprehensive approach that includes advanced theoretical courses, hands-on training with Université Paris Cité’s state-of-the-art technology platforms, and innovative teaching methods such as role-playing and collaborative work.

The Graduate School aims to…

Offer an interdisciplinary, research-focused curriculum.
Develop students’ skills in innovation and creativity.
Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and value creation.
Foster students’ interest and ability in innovation and creativity.
Enhance independence and research capabilities in a collaborative, international context.

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